(0030) 6932 - 707973
  • AheadMove for


Our team has secured funding

for over 300 000 000 euros in the last 25 years.

The company AheadMove and its executives are ready to meet your most difficult needs and
challenges. Our supportive scientific services, our executives, and our social willingness to serve the citizen - individuals & professional - in combination with professionalism, immediate responses, fast service, is that which distinguishes us and puts us as the best option for our customers’ choice.

The application of the scientific services of our executives, every specialty separately, is at the disposal of the citizen to provide him with full consulting support and services of high standards. The combination and harmony of our departments’ and executives’ cooperation is unique, innovative, and distinguishes us for a complete proposal, solution, elaboration, completion, and execution of tasks.

The AheadMove scientific team and its partners are the solution for problem solving and
management, organization, development, and business recovery needs, providing you with honest answers and high-level solutions and services.

A network of human resources and specialized executives with many years of experience is at your disposal for information, troubleshooting services, services, and execution services

Together, we can accomplish anything that concerns you about your business or the business you want to create.


Transparency of work and information, immediate results, services at reasonable prices / costs, confidentiality, and discretion are integral to our principles and make us the number one choice.

We adapt to each client and create his own working team, focused and based on his needs.

Ability to provide services, processing and execution of projects both in Greece and abroad.


The first meeting is free

Do you own a hotel that needs an upgrade? Do you face issues of completeness and difficulties in terms of its viability? Do you own a plot of land that’s suitable for investment but do not have the money to build your own business? Book a free meeting with us to understand your needs and suggest the best solutions. Our company, AheadMove, and its executives are ready to meet your most difficult needs and challenges.

Why Choose Us


Secured Funding


Happy Customers



George Boiles


With Mr. Kallergis and his company AheadMove, we collaborated on five (5) investment projects, which were approved by the Development Law and are now being implemented. His professional approach, reliability and love for what he does, made the most of it. The services he provided were of high quality and fidelity. In the person of Mr. Kallergis I found the trusted and reliable partner that every professional is looking for!

Paul Griffiths


When we took the decision to invest in property as a long term project we decided that Crete offered significant benefits. Generally rental incomes are good whilst the cost of land and building was substantially lower than in the UK. What we did not fully understand was the process and that was where Kostas Kallergis was our saviour. Having been introduced by a mutual friend he proceeded to make the whole process considerably easier for us. His knowledge of the legal requirements, access to financial institutions and contacts helped to hugely simplify everything. Based on our experience we would definitely recommend Kostas Kallergis and his services to anyone thinking of investing in Crete.

July 8, 2021
Survival and development of tourism businesses

Welcoming its customers tomorrow.   The hotel industry is going through a period of unprecedented and irreversible reorganization, and in 2021 its picture will be very different from today. What we will analyze below would have happened without the pandemic that our industry is experiencing very hard. The tourism industry has been hit hardest by […]

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July 8, 2021
We explore the main challenges and opportunities for the tourism industry

We explore the main challenges and opportunities for the industry in four thematic sections, highlighting the key issues that hoteliers will have to address as they prepare their businesses for the future. Greater personalization Customers using digital tools are increasingly demanding personalized services. With Millennials as the target group, personalization will grow significantly in the […]

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